Saturday 28 November 2009

Resistance brief...

The very current issue surrounding Rihanna who suffered from domestic violence....I think it was good in a way to show that celebrities don't always have the high life and people who are suffering from it also may look up to Rihanna and speak up if they see other people are struggling I could maybe involve her into my work...having someone that people admire and look up to!

I have decided to follow the path of domestic violence and relate the brief of interpreting the brief in this direction.  Focusing on the resistance to domestic violence  and producing a factual campaign to make people more aware and open to that fact that it is happening all around us and to reach to women and men that need help.
I have picked out a few campaigning posters that I found on the internet, I found alot of them involved hard impacting photography and not alot of illustration has been used at all in this subject so I think I am going to mix it up a bit and see if I can still recieve the same kind of reaction with hand drawings.
The poster will have to be very hard hitting and almost a bit offensive to get a reaction from people and make them act on what they have seen and get people talking about it for changes to be made.  There is a kind of different out look on how to communicate the issue, the collage of the womens face is quite an effective idea, it doesnt directly communicate what is happening but once you know it is really effective.

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